Thursday 8 March 2012

Britain is country where old painter from North called David Hockney can exhibit big pictures in old art gallery called Royal Academy in London

David Hockney is 74 years old.
I've been to see the exhibition of his work entitled : ' The Bigger Picture' at The Royal Academy of Arts in London.
It consisted of his paintings of the East Yorkshire landscape, large-scale works created especially for the galleries and shown alongside related drawings and film. He has been a very busy old painter over the last couple of years. There were many paintings, they were very big and there were many visitors.

The exhibition also reveals how this old painter  has embraced new technology using his iPhone and iPad. For me the stunner were the films produced using 18 cameras mounted on his car and displayed on multiple screens and effectively allowing the viewer to see using 36 eyes.

Channel 4 interview :

1 comment:

  1. JB was spotted initially going round the superb exhibition with 3 other people!
